Gentle Hands Of Faith
Professional Massage Therapy by Faith Davis


Welcome to Gentle Hands of Faith (an A+ rated, BBB-accredited business) where the discerning client is guaranteed a customized therapeutic experience to ease both mind and body.

I offer you an exclusive suite of massage experiences that I curate with you to target areas of concern and weave together a relaxation experience like no other.  Being trained in a variety of these therapeutic and relaxing modalities, I invite you to click on the "Services and Rates" page to familiarize yourself with my techniques to aid us in a collaborative effort to reach your intended goals.  From Swedish massage, Deep tissue massage and a host of other variations and body treatments I will work with you to ease what ails you.

I am proud to welcome you to your much deserved oasis.  To begin your journey click on "Contact Me" and send me your detailed information and message and I will return your message with a phone call or text (your preference) to confirm the details of your experience and answer any questions and concerns that you may have.

I look forward to using my hands and techniques to transform what ails you into a much deserved experience.

Thank you for trusting your body in my care and I look forward to hearing from you.

Gently Yours,  Faith